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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta shoppingcart. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, 11 de abril de 2020

How to Install Spanish Language in OpenCart

To install the Spanish language in OpenCart, we have to do the following:

1.- Download the Spanish package on your computer and decompressed it.

Spanish Language Folder Image
 Spanish Language Folder Uncompressed

2.- Use the Filezilla Program or another to connect to hosting with your account, proceed to copy the admin/language/es-ES folder of the decompressed folder to the admin/language folder on hosting.

Spanish Language Folder Copied

3.- Use the Filezilla Program or another to connect to hosting with your account, proceed to copy the catalog/language/es-ES folder of the decompressed folder to catalog/language folder on hosting.

4.- Log in OpenCart Control Panel with the administrator account, go to the System->Localisation->Language option, and add a new language.

 Spanish Language Configuration

Spanish Language Added 

5.-  Finally, go to System->Settings option and edit the Store Settings,  select the Local Tab and change both Language and Administration Language Label to Spanish