How to Install Spanish Language in OpenCart
To install the Spanish language in OpenCart, we have to do the following:
1.- Download the Spanish package on your computer and decompressed it.
Spanish Language Folder Uncompressed
2.- Use the Filezilla Program or another to connect to hosting with your account, proceed to copy the admin/language/es-ES folder of the decompressed folder to the admin/language folder on hosting.
Spanish Language Folder Copied
3.- Use the Filezilla Program or another to connect to hosting with your account, proceed to copy the catalog/language/es-ES folder of the decompressed folder to catalog/language folder on hosting.
4.- Log in OpenCart Control Panel with the administrator account, go to the System->Localisation->Language option, and add a new language.
Spanish Language Configuration
Spanish Language Added
5.- Finally, go to System->Settings option and edit the Store Settings, select the Local Tab and change both Language and Administration Language Label to Spanish