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jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2020

Install Maven Archetype and Create Project Jakarta EE 8

Hello friends, in this opportunity I show how to install a Maven Archetype and create a project from it. I will use the JakartaEE8 Archetype, we need to do the following.

1.- First, we need to download and decompress the archetype from this link. You can choose the zip or tar.gz format.

2.- Once unzipped, open the terminal in the main root folder and execute mvn clean install command. This command installs the archetype in the local maven repository (.m2).

3.- After this, go to the directory where you create a project and execute the following command (dont forget to change the GROUP_ID, PROJECT_NAME and VERSION variables until to execute it):

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.matoosfe -DarchetypeArtifactId=jakartaee8-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=1.0 -Darchetype.interactive=false --batch-mode -DgroupId=GROUP_ID -DartifactId=PROJECT_NAME -Dversion=VERSION

4.- Finally, your project will be ready to work on it.

miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2020

Jakarta EE 8 archetype

Hello friends, in this opportunity, I want to share with all a JakartaEE8 Archetype, that has the following features:

  • It has an EAR, EJB y WEB project.
  • It has a basic example to save the employee data to the h2 database.
  • It can be deployed in both Wildfly and Payara, I built and tested with Wildfly 20 and Payara 5. To use the deploy, you must configure the profiles, in this link you can see how to do.
  • The Jakarta EE 8 Archetype is available on git, in the following URL.

  • Finally to install the archetype and create a project from it, you can review this link.
I hope, it will be useful. If you have any doubt, you can write to me without any problem.


miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2020

How to convert a Moodle Site from HTTP to HTTPS

Hello friends, in this opportunity I will show how to convert a Moodle site from HTTP to HTTPS. To do this, we need to to the following:

1.- Generate un backup of the moodle site (the main folder moodle) and moodledata folder, to avoid any problem that could generate.

2.- Log in such as Administrator in your moodle site

3.- Go to the Site Administration --> Security --> HTTP Security option.

4.- After that, go to the HTTP Conversion Tool section and select the tool.

  5.-  The tool scans the folder and files. After that, we need to confirm the operation and the tool execute the conversion.

6. Finally, the conversion is ready and you have a moodle site HTTP