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domingo, 11 de octubre de 2020

Configure Payara Server in Eclipse IDE

Hello friends, in this opportunity I will show how to install the Payara Tools in Eclipse to work with Payara Server Application. Before to begin is important say you, that  I am working with: Eclipse IDE 2019 and Payara 5.20. Once said it, let me begin.

1.- First, we need to install the plugin Payara Tools from Eclipse Marketplace from  Help--> Eclipse Marketplace option. Click the Install button, accept the terms of the license agreements, and click the Finish button. Once installed, the eclipse needs to restart to apply the changes.

2.- Before to create a new Payara server instance, we need to create a Payara Runtime. To do this, we need to do the following:

  • Select the Windows-->Preferences-->Runtime Environments option and click the Add button to configure the Payara Runtime

  • Select the Payara Runtime Environment and click the Next button.
  • Configure the Payara and Java Location and click the Finish button. 

3.- Finally, we need to create a Payara Server Instance. To do this, we need to do the following:

  • Select the Windows-->Show View --> Server option. Once opened the view, right-click on it and select New --> Server option.

  • Select the Server type, in this case, we need to select Payara and click Next.

  • Configure the Payara Server properties, we use the default options, but you can configure the other domain, credentials, and other parameters according to your needs. Finally, click Finish and the Payara Server are ready to work with it.

I hope, that the post is useful for you. Don't forget to share, comment on it. Greetings and bless you.

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2020

Install Maven Archetype and Create Project Jakarta EE 8

Hello friends, in this opportunity I show how to install a Maven Archetype and create a project from it. I will use the JakartaEE8 Archetype, we need to do the following.

1.- First, we need to download and decompress the archetype from this link. You can choose the zip or tar.gz format.

2.- Once unzipped, open the terminal in the main root folder and execute mvn clean install command. This command installs the archetype in the local maven repository (.m2).

3.- After this, go to the directory where you create a project and execute the following command (dont forget to change the GROUP_ID, PROJECT_NAME and VERSION variables until to execute it):

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.matoosfe -DarchetypeArtifactId=jakartaee8-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=1.0 -Darchetype.interactive=false --batch-mode -DgroupId=GROUP_ID -DartifactId=PROJECT_NAME -Dversion=VERSION

4.- Finally, your project will be ready to work on it.

miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2020

Jakarta EE 8 archetype

Hello friends, in this opportunity, I want to share with all a JakartaEE8 Archetype, that has the following features:

  • It has an EAR, EJB y WEB project.
  • It has a basic example to save the employee data to the h2 database.
  • It can be deployed in both Wildfly and Payara, I built and tested with Wildfly 20 and Payara 5. To use the deploy, you must configure the profiles, in this link you can see how to do.
  • The Jakarta EE 8 Archetype is available on git, in the following URL.

  • Finally to install the archetype and create a project from it, you can review this link.
I hope, it will be useful. If you have any doubt, you can write to me without any problem.


miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2020

How to convert a Moodle Site from HTTP to HTTPS

Hello friends, in this opportunity I will show how to convert a Moodle site from HTTP to HTTPS. To do this, we need to to the following:

1.- Generate un backup of the moodle site (the main folder moodle) and moodledata folder, to avoid any problem that could generate.

2.- Log in such as Administrator in your moodle site

3.- Go to the Site Administration --> Security --> HTTP Security option.

4.- After that, go to the HTTP Conversion Tool section and select the tool.

  5.-  The tool scans the folder and files. After that, we need to confirm the operation and the tool execute the conversion.

6. Finally, the conversion is ready and you have a moodle site HTTP

sábado, 11 de abril de 2020

How to Install Spanish Language in OpenCart

To install the Spanish language in OpenCart, we have to do the following:

1.- Download the Spanish package on your computer and decompressed it.

Spanish Language Folder Image
 Spanish Language Folder Uncompressed

2.- Use the Filezilla Program or another to connect to hosting with your account, proceed to copy the admin/language/es-ES folder of the decompressed folder to the admin/language folder on hosting.

Spanish Language Folder Copied

3.- Use the Filezilla Program or another to connect to hosting with your account, proceed to copy the catalog/language/es-ES folder of the decompressed folder to catalog/language folder on hosting.

4.- Log in OpenCart Control Panel with the administrator account, go to the System->Localisation->Language option, and add a new language.

 Spanish Language Configuration

Spanish Language Added 

5.-  Finally, go to System->Settings option and edit the Store Settings,  select the Local Tab and change both Language and Administration Language Label to Spanish