Install Maven Archetype and Create Project Jakarta EE 8
Hello friends, in this opportunity I show how to install a Maven Archetype and create a project from it. I will use the JakartaEE8 Archetype, we need to do the following.
1.- First, we need to download and decompress the archetype from this link. You can choose the zip or tar.gz format.
2.- Once unzipped, open the terminal in the main root folder and execute mvn clean install command. This command installs the archetype in the local maven repository (.m2).
3.- After this, go to the directory where you create a project and execute the following command (dont forget to change the GROUP_ID, PROJECT_NAME and VERSION variables until to execute it):
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.matoosfe -DarchetypeArtifactId=jakartaee8-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=1.0 -Darchetype.interactive=false --batch-mode -DgroupId=GROUP_ID -DartifactId=PROJECT_NAME -Dversion=VERSION