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miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018

Install OpenJDK on MAC Computer

Hello friends, in this post I'm going to show how install the OpenJDK on Mac computer using Homebrew Package Manager . This way is very simple, for this we need to do the following:

1.- First install homebrew package manager, the indications how to do this is here.
2.- Next open a console o terminal and execute the brew tap homebrew/cask-versions command to update versions.

3.- Next execute the brew cask install adoptopenjdk8 command to install the openJDK.

4.- After that we must configure the JAVA_HOME environment variable in the .bash_profile file with the value  /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8.jdk/ and export it.

Don't forget re-open the terminal to update the .bash_profile file.

5.- Finally verify the java version with the java -version command.

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