Java Expert....Java/Open Source Addict

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martes, 7 de septiembre de 2021

Configurar Multicast en MacOS

Estimados amigos,

En este post, voy a mostrarles como configurar Multicast en Mac, lo cual también aplica para Linux, lo cual es muy importante para realizar pruebas de tráfico. En mi caso lo estoy utilizando para testear una configuración de Cluster en Wildfly, sin más empecemos.

Qué es Multicast?.-  Un multicast es un protocolo por la cual la data es transmitida simultáneamente a todos los hosts que son parte de un grupo multicast, se puede hacer la analogía con un canal de radio en donde los que sintonizan una frecuencia en particular reciben la información
Configuración.- Por defecto multicast no está habilitado en Mac, para configuarlo y habilitarlo se debe realizar lo siguiente:

1.- Abril un terminal y ejecutar el comando ifconfig -ael cual permitirá revisar si la interface de red soporta multicast.
Como podemos apreciar en la última línea aparece la palabra MULTICAST, lo cual significa que la  interfaz de red en0 soporta aquello.

2.-  Revisar si la ruta multicast esta configurada, para lo cual se debe ejecutar el siguiente comando netstat -nr
Si está configurado en la primera tabla (Routing Tables) aparecerá una IP en el rango de a En el caso de que no esté configurado pasar al paso 3

3.-  Para añadir una dirección IP multicast ejecutar el siguiente comando sudo route -nv add -net -interface en0

4.-  Verificar si la dirección IP multicast ha sido añadida con el comando netstat -nr

 5.-  Finalmente para verficar que la configuración este funcionando correctamente y que la máquina esté habilitado para multicast, se debe ejecutar los comandos   sudo tcpdump -ni en0 host y ping -t 1 -c 2 en terminales diferentes.


lunes, 16 de agosto de 2021

Problems to Install Gradle on Mac using brew

Dear friends, 

In this post, I want to share how to fix the error about Gradle installation using brew. In my case when I  try to install Gradle, I have the following errors:

In the picture above, the suggestion was executing the commands related to git. Because as of Oct 2020 Homebrew no longer creates shallow clones and updates them. However, when I try to execute them, I had the following error:

The problem described is because for some reason the Xcode tools are missing. To continue to fix the problem about Gradle installation, you must do the following:

1. First, execute the xcode-select --install command. The pictures below show the installation process.


2.- Once time, these tools had finished. The next step is to execute the commands:

git -C "/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core" fetch --unshallow

git -C /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-cask fetch --unshallow


3.- Later, you must start the Gradle installation, to do this you must execute the brew install gradle command.


4.- Finally, execute the gradle -v command, to verify the installation.

viernes, 13 de agosto de 2021

Groovy Problem in Jasper Studio 6.13

Dear Friends,

In this post, I show how to fix the error related to Groovy in JasperStudio 6.13. Let me start.
I have a JEE project that has some reports that were designed using Ireport 5.0 with JasperReport 5.3. The problem was in updating the libraries and tools versions. Specifically to JasperReport 6.17 and JasperStudio 6.13, when I loaded the reports and try to compile them, I was the following error:

To fix it, we need to do this following:

 Change the Language

1.- Open the report in JasperStudio, place it in the Design mode and select the report in the outline view.


2. -  Select right-click and select the Show Properties view, in this view, you must change the language value from Groovy to Java and save it.

3. -  Finally,  compile the report.

martes, 3 de agosto de 2021

How to resolve errors related with JAXBException

Hello friends, when you have these errors related to JAXBException and you are using java version 9,10 o greater.

You can download the libraries (jars) o use Java 8. Because the JAXB API classes only are available in Java 6/7/8 but no in future Java versions. Since Java 9 they are part of the JEE API.

If you use Linux, you should make sure you use the correct version of the java. For this, you must select the version with command alternatives --config java

Later to select the version, you can use the java -version command, to verify the java version.

lunes, 2 de agosto de 2021

Install PostgreSQL on Fedora 33

 Dear friends,

In this post, I will show how to install PosgreSQL 12 on Fedora 33. To do this, we need the following.

1. Open a terminal and login with sudo user.

2. Install the postgres repository (pgdg-fedora-repo ) with the command

dnf install -y
install pgdg-fedora-repo  repository

3. Install the postgreSQL server, with the following command.

dnf install -y postgresql13-server


4. Then, we need to initialize the database and enable automatic-start, with the following commands.

/usr/pgsql-13/bin/postgresql-13-setup initdb
systemctl enable postgresql-13
systemctl start postgresql-13

5. Set the password. To do this, we need to log in with postgres user and execute the following command:

 psql -c "alter user postgres with password '<your_password>'"

6. Finally, login to database using the postgres user with the password created recently. You can use PGAdmin o Dbeaver

domingo, 11 de octubre de 2020

Configure Payara Server in Eclipse IDE

Hello friends, in this opportunity I will show how to install the Payara Tools in Eclipse to work with Payara Server Application. Before to begin is important say you, that  I am working with: Eclipse IDE 2019 and Payara 5.20. Once said it, let me begin.

1.- First, we need to install the plugin Payara Tools from Eclipse Marketplace from  Help--> Eclipse Marketplace option. Click the Install button, accept the terms of the license agreements, and click the Finish button. Once installed, the eclipse needs to restart to apply the changes.

2.- Before to create a new Payara server instance, we need to create a Payara Runtime. To do this, we need to do the following:

  • Select the Windows-->Preferences-->Runtime Environments option and click the Add button to configure the Payara Runtime

  • Select the Payara Runtime Environment and click the Next button.
  • Configure the Payara and Java Location and click the Finish button. 

3.- Finally, we need to create a Payara Server Instance. To do this, we need to do the following:

  • Select the Windows-->Show View --> Server option. Once opened the view, right-click on it and select New --> Server option.

  • Select the Server type, in this case, we need to select Payara and click Next.

  • Configure the Payara Server properties, we use the default options, but you can configure the other domain, credentials, and other parameters according to your needs. Finally, click Finish and the Payara Server are ready to work with it.

I hope, that the post is useful for you. Don't forget to share, comment on it. Greetings and bless you.

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2020

Install Maven Archetype and Create Project Jakarta EE 8

Hello friends, in this opportunity I show how to install a Maven Archetype and create a project from it. I will use the JakartaEE8 Archetype, we need to do the following.

1.- First, we need to download and decompress the archetype from this link. You can choose the zip or tar.gz format.

2.- Once unzipped, open the terminal in the main root folder and execute mvn clean install command. This command installs the archetype in the local maven repository (.m2).

3.- After this, go to the directory where you create a project and execute the following command (dont forget to change the GROUP_ID, PROJECT_NAME and VERSION variables until to execute it):

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.matoosfe -DarchetypeArtifactId=jakartaee8-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=1.0 -Darchetype.interactive=false --batch-mode -DgroupId=GROUP_ID -DartifactId=PROJECT_NAME -Dversion=VERSION

4.- Finally, your project will be ready to work on it.